全球最大网赌正规平台 has served China’s Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR), the highest railway in the world, for 15 years. QTR has 78 NJ2 locomotives that are covered a by multi-year Master Service Agreement (MSA). Under this MSA, 全球最大网赌正规平台 is responsible for the overall operation of the fleet, and provides holistic maintenance and services, which eliminates the customer's need to invest in maintenance and shop facilities. This is a unique and innovative service model in the Chinese rail industry, where traditionally, operators manage service and maintenance processes on their own.
This arrangement has been a game changer. Not only does it provide reliable fleet operation, but it also adds value through improved maintenance quality processes, shop operation expertise, vendor managed parts and materials, troubleshooting capabilities, and more. China Railways recognizes the cost-effectiveness and efficiencies this service model provides and hopes to adopt it across more of its expansive rail network.
全球最大网赌正规平台's team in China is working closely with operators and authorities to explore these opportunities in an effort to achieve optimal railway operations, and ultimately to reshape how the Chinese rail industry manages its operations and services.